The generic form of Paxil is paroxetine which is used to treat anxiety disorder. This pill has been FDA-approved to treat a major panic and anxiety disorder. The range of the pill is up to 40 mg. The oral Paxil 30mg medicine is an antidepressant SSRI used to treat the increasing level of depression. This pill is usually not recommended for children less than 18 years old by the doctor. The 30 mg of Paxil is only approved for adults and not approved for children to be prescribed by the doctor. The drug Paxil is available in tablet form and the dose gradually increases to 30 mg according to the patient’s medical health.
Uses Of Paxil 30 mg Blue Pill:
Our main goal is to provide you with information on when you can take this pill and how it is beneficial. Below you can see the uses of this approved pill.
Usage of Paxil 30mg capsule:
- To treat depression
- Help to recover from Panic disorder
- Used to diagnose social anxiety disorder
- Used for treating Obsessive-compulsive disorder
- Help to recover Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
- Used for Generalized anxiety disorder treatment
How To Take Paxil 30mg Medication:
Read the guidelines of dosage carefully while taking the medicine. The dosage must completely depend on your medical health and history.
Read the following steps for taking Paxil pill:
- Take only the medication dosage as directed by your doctor.
- Take these pills with or without food. Do not break the tablet, it should be swallowed with a glass of water.
- If you are taking liquid suspension always measure the dose in a spoon that contains the accurate amount.
- Always drink enough water while swallowing the tablet.
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