Generic Restoril 15 mg
Pink / Maroon Restoril 15 mg capsule is used for sleeping problems, it may help you to get longer sleep or give you completely sleepy nights. It is recommended for adults who have problems or difficulty in sleep or insomnia. This pill belongs to a group of medications called benzodiazepines, which can be used for anxiety and brain-related health problems. It works in the brain and slows down all functions, which helps to better sleep or stay asleep and promotes relaxation. Restoril’s generic name is Temazepam, which works in the brain and helps to impact chemicals that may be unstable in people’s brains with sleep problems or insomnia. It is recommended for adults who have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, as well as those who wake up frequently during the night.
Mechanism of Action and Effectiveness Of Restoril 15 mg
Restoril belongs to a group of drugs called benzodiazepine medications that are used to treat various mental health conditions, such as sleeping problems and insomnia. Here is its mechanism of action and effectiveness:
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